Michigan State Medical Society > Resources > Billing and Coding > Reimbursement Advocate

Reimbursement Advocate

Free Reimbursement Help for MSMS Members

If you are a member of MSMS (or work for an MSMS member), you can receive free reimbursement assistance from our Reimbursement Advocate, Stacie Saylor, CPC, CPB. A former manager of physician billing in a large health care system, Stacie has over 15 years of experience in physician billing issues. The MSMS Reimbursement Advocate has helped thousands of physicians recover as little as $30 and as much as $50,000.
If you are having reimbursement troubles, contact Stacie Saylor at 517-336-5722 or ssaylor@msms.org right away!
Meet the Solution to Your Reimbursement and Coding Problems: The MSMS Reimbursement Advocate


Stay Up-to-Date on Reimbursement News through Email Alert

MSMS and MMGMA members can get the latest reimbursement news and resources by joining the MSMS Reimbursement Advocate Alert network. To join, send your name and email address (and the name of the MSMS member physician you work for, if you are not a member physician) to msms@msms.org and enter "Reimbursement Advocate Alert Network" in the subject line.


Reimbursement Advocate Alert - Recent Issues
