Contract Review Services

Contract Review Services

Physician Audit Consultation Service

Given the increased frequency with which governmental and private health plans audit physicians for overpayments, physicians need access to knowledgeable legal counsel and consultants with expertise in coding, reimbursement and documentation issues more than ever. In response to physicians' growing need, the Michigan State Medical Society has developed the Physician Audit Consultation Service.

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Medical Staff Bylaw Review Service

Considering the complexities of the issues associated with providing patient care in the hospital today, legal counsel for medical staffs is more affordable than ever in comparison to the "cost" of inadequate representation. In reality, however, medical staffs have limited resources. For these reasons, the Michigan State Medical Society has arranged a program under which medical staffs may obtain legal services.

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Legal Services from MSMS

MSMS members can access MSMS Legal Counsel by contacting the MSMS Health Care Delivery Department at (517) 336-5723 or (517) 336-5766. General legal questions on a variety of issues of concern to physicians statewide (e.g., medical record retention, medical records charges, privacy issues, Stark, etc.) are answered for FREE as a benefit of MSMS membership. Please note, if the scope of the inquiry requires more than general legal assistance/clarification or if individual representation is needed, MSMS Legal Counsel and the MSMS member would discuss options, including charges, before proceeding.


Physician Employment Contract Review Service

Given the ever increasing complexity of physician compensation arrangements and the restrictions being placed on physicians’ ability to practice in today's employment marketplace, a thorough legal review of physician employment agreements is more prudent than ever. In response to physicians' growing need for legal representation in the employment process, the Michigan State Medical Society has arranged to provide legal services to its member physicians.

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HIT/EHR Vendor Contract Review Service

Given the increased attention to health information technology (HIT) and the unprecedented commitment of federal resources towards expansion of the meaningful use of electronic health record (EHR) technology, more than ever physicians are acquiring and upgrading HIT. Therefore, a thorough legal review of HIT/EHR vendor contracts is more prudent than ever. In response to physicians' growing need for legal representation in the contracting process, the Michigan State Medical Society has arranged to provide legal services to its member physicians.

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