Retired/Emeritus Membership Application

Emeritus Membership App

Congratulations on retiring from the active practice of medicine. As a current member of the Michigan State Medical Society, we offer a few different options to continue your membership throughout your retirement. Please indicate your preference below (along with credit card payment if choosing the Active Emeritus option).

According to the MSMS bylaws...Members who have maintained active membership in any one or more component societies in Michigan for a period of five or more years, and who have retired from practice, may be transferred to the emeritus members roster of such component society and this society, provided the member’s dues have been paid to the end of the preceding calendar year.

Active Emeritus - $150/Membership Year

WILL receive all Society publications; MAY serve on committees, vote in elections and hold officer positions & serve as delegate or alternate delegate to the House of Delegates; WILL be eligible for Society insurance and member rate for Society sponsored continuing education. WILL be included in member count for representation at the MSMS House of Delegates and representation on the MSMS Board of Directors.

Emeritus - No Charge

Will NOT receive Society publications, but WILL have member access to the website; may NOT serve on committees, vote in elections or hold officer positions or serve as delegate or alternate to the House of Delegates; WILL be eligible for Society insurance and member rate for Society sponsored continuing education. Will NOT be included in member count for representation at either the MSMS House of Delegates or on the MSMS Board of Directors.
