Michigan State Medical Society > About MSMS > MSMS Foundation > Mission and Values

Mission and Values

MSMS Foundation Mission Statement

The MSMS Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization of MSMS.  Its purpose is to advance the field of health for the public good and is the umbrella organization for the MSMS Center for Physician Education and Leadership.  Its mission is to:

  • support public or professional education, research programs, and projects in the field of health;
  • encourage the advancement of healthy lifestyles and the prevention, diagnosis or cure of disease;
  • provide support for physicians who suffer impairment:
  • and provide a resource for the management and distribution of signature funds or bequests designated for special purposes.

Philanthropy will focus on supporting projects and activities that are meaningful to the medical profession including developing future physicians and physician leadership and the practice of medicine.  When supporting community-based projects, it should engage both physicians and community leaders.
