The Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS) recently met with the Michigan Association of Health Plans (MAHP) and Medicaid to discuss member physician concerns that the 2013-2014 Medicaid Primary Care Rate Increase (Medicaid PCP Uplifts) still have not been paid out completely and that some payers are extremely slow in paying the 2015 uplifts.
Medicaid is currently in the process of performing the final look back at 2013 and 2014, to determine any remaining payments that need to be made to the health plans in order for the physicians to received the uplifts. Because of this, timing is of the utmost importance.
If your practice believes you are owed uplift money from 2013, 2014 or 2015, please contact the appropriate Medicaid managed care health plan immediately. Click here to find contact names and numbers at each plan who is responsible for the uplift and can research your request.
If the health plan indicates that you are not an eligible Medicaid provider or after speaking to the representative you still feel the issue has not been resolved, please contact Stacie J. Saylor, Reimbursement Advocate at (517) 336-5722, or by email at ssaylor@msms.org.