Physicians: Back-to-School Check List Not Complete without Childhood Immunizations > Michigan State Medical Society


Physicians: Back-to-School Check List Not Complete without Childhood Immunizations

Childhood Immunizations Crucial Amid Recent Outbreaks, Too-High Exemption Rates Say Docs, Dept. of Community Health

As kids prepare to head back to school, physicians at the Michigan State Medical Society, the Michigan Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians, and officials with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services on Thursday urged parents to get their children immunized to protect them from infectious diseases like measles, mumps, rubella and more.

August is National Immunization Awareness Month. State law requires students to be up-to-date on their immunizations before beginning a new school year.

"Childhood immunizations protect our kids from dangerous infectious diseases, but they can't help if parents don't get their kids vaccinated," said Rose M. Ramirez, MD, President of the Michigan State Medical Society and a practicing physician in Kent County. "The back-to-school checklist isn't complete until kids are up-to-date with their shots. And they might just save a life."

Last December the state approved a change to Michigan's childhood immunization standards requiring parents of school-aged children who seek a "philosophical exemption" to immunization requirements to have their waiver certified by their local health department.

While individuals may still choose and obtain a waiver for any reason, the new rule leads to better education about the safety and effectiveness of immunizations, encouraging informed decisions.

Data released in 2014 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Michigan ranks 4th worst nationally with 5.4% of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children against preventable, potentially deadly diseases.

Because of their developing immune systems and exposure in settings like school and daycare, children and infants are especially vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases. Infants who are too young to be fully vaccinated are not protected from many preventable diseases making it critical to protect the entire family, especially school-aged children, through immunizations.

"Immunizations are safe and they're effective," said Eden Wells, MD, Chief Medical Executive at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. "The best way to keep our kids and their classmates safe and healthy is to make sure every student has his or her shots before heading back to school. It's a simple step that can save a life."

In addition to educating parents, Michigan physicians have dramatically increased peer-to-peer education about childhood immunizations. The Michigan Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics recently launched a new immunization portal at to give physicians the latest tools and resources so they are equipped to effectively talk to their patients about the importance of vaccinations.

"Through our new online portal, parents and pediatricians in Michigan can learn everything from vaccine safety information to immunization schedules and even learn more about recording and documentation," said Mona Hanna Attisha, MD, with MIAAP. "It’s a one-stop shop for physicians and part of our commitment to keeping kids healthy."

Posted in: State Government News, Immunization, Hot Topics, News for Practices, News Releases
