Retired Physicians -- CMU College of Medicine Needs Your Expertise! > Michigan State Medical Society


Retired Physicians -- CMU College of Medicine Needs Your Expertise!

Central Michigan University College of Medicine is dedicated to preparing "diverse, culturally competent physicians focused on improving access for all to high-quality healthcare in Michigan with an emphasis on rural and medically underserved regions." We have partnered with urban and rural hospitals across northern and lower Michigan and the UP in a Comprehensive Community Clerkship (CCC) for our Year 3 medical students -- and we can use your help as volunteer facilitators of their Practice Case Presentations (PCP) for 2 hours a week. The PCP facilitation can be done from the comfort of your home via teleconferencing and Skype -- or, if you are in the area, in one of our state-of-the art teleconference facilities in Mount Pleasant, Saginaw or CCC site where our students are training.

If you are retired from family practice, primary care, internal medicine -- or other specialties -- and would like more information about this opportunity, please contact:

Elizabeth Palmer, MD, Director
Comprehensive Community Clerkship
Cell: 989-928-7929 or Email:

Posted in: Volunteer Opportunities, Retired Physicians News, Hot Topics
