Nominate a Deserving Candidate for the 2015 AIM Award > Michigan State Medical Society


Nominate a Deserving Candidate for the 2015 AIM Award

The Alliance for Immunization in Michigan (AIM) Outstanding Achievement Award eligibility includes individuals, community groups, or organizations in Michigan whose work has demonstrated one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Consistently contributed to raising and improving immunization rates
  • Provided outstanding and recognizable improvement in the immunization process
  • Promoted the cause of immunizations by involving providers and communities in immunization programming

Nominate a deserving candidate for the 2015 AIM Award at:

A panel of individuals representing the AIM Coalition will review nominations. Nominators will be informed if their nominee has been selected and winners will be presented awards at a Fall Regional Immunization Conference or upcoming AIM meeting.

There is no need to submit multiple nominations -- only one nomination per nominee is necessary.

Nominations must be submitted by close of business on Monday, September 7, 2015.

Posted in: Immunization, Hot Topics, News for Practices
