Final Opportunity to Volunteer for ICD-10 End-to-End Testing in July > Michigan State Medical Society


Final Opportunity to Volunteer for ICD-10 End-to-End Testing in July

Deadline extended - Forms Accepted May 11 through 22

During the week of July 20 through 24, 2015, a final sample group of providers will have the opportunity to participate in ICD-10 end-to-end testing with Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and the Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) contractor. CMS is accepting additional July volunteers from May 11 through 22, 2015. Don’t miss your chance to participate in end-to-end testing with Medicare prior to the October 1, 2015, implementation date.

Approximately 850 volunteer submitters will be selected to participate in the July end-to-end testing. This nationwide sample will yield meaningful results, since CMS intends to select volunteers representing a broad cross-section of provider, claim, and submitter types, including claims clearinghouses that submit claims for large numbers of providers. Note: Testers who are participating in the January and April end-to-end testing weeks are able to test again in July without re-applying.

To volunteer as a testing submitter:

  • Volunteer forms are available on your MAC website
  • Completed volunteer forms are due May 22
  • CMS will review applications and select additional July testers
  • The MACs and CEDI will notify the volunteers selected to test and provide them with the information needed for the testing by June 12

If selected, testers must be able to:

  • Submit future-dated claims
  • Provide valid National Provider Identifiers (NPIs), Provider Transaction Access Numbers (PTANs), and beneficiary Health Insurance Claim Numbers (HICNs) that will be used for test claims. This information will be needed by your MAC for set-up purposes by the deadline on your acceptance notice; testers will be dropped if information is not provided by the deadline

Any issues identified during testing will be addressed prior to ICD-10 implementation. Educational materials will be developed for providers and submitters based on the testing results.

For more information:

Posted in: Federal Government News, Hot Topics, News for Practices
