Put Patients First! Urge Your State Rep to Vote NO on Senate Bill 2 > Michigan State Medical Society


Put Patients First! Urge Your State Rep to Vote NO on Senate Bill 2

URGENT: On September 9, 2014, the House Health Policy committee will be taking testimony on Senate Bill 2.

As physicians, we understand that every discussion in Lansing about health care and health policy should start and end with what's best for Michigan patients. Senate Bill 2 is not in the best interest of patients and that's why your voice is so critical.

The best health care is provided by a physician-led team. While the focal point for the entire health care team should be working toward viable solutions that strengthen the team, MSMS has had to focus its efforts on stopping Senate Bill 2 that would dismantle the health care team.

Senate Bill 2 would allow nurse practitioners to practice medicine independently without any physician leadership and guidance. This is NOT the time to pass unproven and controversial concepts like Senate Bill 2 that would give advanced practice nurses the right to diagnose, treat, and write prescriptions for patients without the appropriate education and training and without even collaborating with a physician.

It's time for our physicians, health care team partners, MSMS Alliance members, and patients to send an important message to the Michigan House of Representatives about quality health care: Put Patients First! Vote NO on Senate Bill 2!

You have three options to fight this inappropriate scope expansion through legislation rather than education:

  1. Click here to use the MSMS Action Center to contact your State Representative now.
  2. Meet face-to-face with your local state representative about SB 2 and/or other issues by contacting Steve Japinga, Chief, Public Policy & Legislative Affairs, at 517-336-5781 or sjapinga@msms.org.
  3. Put your name on a testimony card at the hearing indicating your opposition (you need not attend) by contacting Steve Japinga at the information listed above.


Related Information:
Read more about Senate Bill 2 from a recent Gongwer article >>


Posted in: Hot Topics, Advocacy, Scope of Practice
