Write your Lawmaker and Ask for Support to Rein in MOC Red Tape

News & Media

Write your Lawmaker and Ask for Support to Rein in MOC Red Tape

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Michigan patients have a right to high quality health care, and Michigan physicians have a right and a responsibility to deliver that care to our patients.

Unfortunately, Maintenance of Certification red tape and insurance company policies too often stand in between physicians and their patients. That's not just a hassle -- that's dangerous.

State lawmakers recently introduced House Bills 4134 and 4135, bills to rein in maintenance of certification red tape, to ensure Michigan patients have a right to the highest quality health care, and that physicians have the right to deliver it.

Please write your lawmakers and ask for their support on these common sense bills that will protect patients' and physicians' right to care!

Fight for your Right2Care >>