Earlier this week, the Michigan Senate Health Policy Committee took testimony on the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS). MAPS, the electronic prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) established and created in 2003, tracks the dispensing of controlled substances, schedule 2-5, from practitioners to patients. It is a risk assessment tool that prescribers/dispensers can use to monitor quantity, volume, type, and frequency (dosage) of controlled substances schedule 2-5 drugs being dispensed for patients dealing with chronic pain or illnesses that require controlled substance based prescriptions. The presentation was to request funding to transition from MAPS to a new PDMP, which will implement a robust enforcement program that focuses on prescribers/dispensers who over-prescribe and/or are involved in drug diversion activities.
The Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS), through its House of Delegates, has been directed to take a leadership role in finding solutions that prioritizes the needs of our patients and result in policies that reduce drug diversion. During the Hearing, David M. Krhovsky, MD, MSMS President, testified in support of upgrading the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS).
"MSMS has historically had a good relationship with the various agencies within state government, and has played an active role in appropriately shaping policies that impact patient care and physicians. This has certainly been the case as it relates o updating MAPS," said Doctor Krhovsky. "Suggestions made by MSMS have been received and, to the extent possible, incorporated into shaping the direction it appears the Bureau of Professional Licensing intends to proceed. Specifically, MSMS provided the following concerns: MAPS is slow; MAPS is not integrated; and, MAPS data is not user-friendly. Upgrading MAPS is a crucial step in giving physicians the tools they need to do their part in reducing drug diversion."