The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation has announced its annual Student Award Program. The intent of their Student Award Program is to support the next generation of applied researchers in health and medical care.
The Student Award Program offers a one-year $3,000 stipend to fund medical or dissertation research. All doctoral and medical students enrolled in Michigan universities are eligible. Basic research, drug studies and research involving non-human subjects are not eligible. Applications must be postmarked by April 30, 2015.
Nominations must include: 1.) a one page abstract that includes: background, purpose, study method, and expected results in laymen’s language, 2.) a three-page proposal detailing the project, 3.) a copy of Human Subjects Review Committee approval if using human subjects or sensitive data, 4.) a letter of endorsement from a faculty member of your department, 5.) official transcripts reflecting doctoral status, must be mailed by the university registrar directly to Foundation, 6.) resume, 7.) a one paragraph biographical sketch.
Nominations should be sent to: Jacqueline Paul, Program Associate, Student Award Program, BCBSM Foundation, 600 Lafayette East, X520, Detroit, Michigan 48226.
Additional information regarding this program may be found by visiting the Foundation's website.